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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Welcome to La Tercera Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

La Tercera Elementary School has an active group of parents, caregivers, community members, and teachers whose goal it is to make our school a great place for learning.  We work hard to raise money through various fundraisers and donations to help support the programs and activities that enrich our children’s lives, while supporting activities that help build a strong sense of commUNITY.

What does PTA support at our school?

The PTA coordinates parent volunteers, Annual Auction, Dine and Donates, Harvest Festival, Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, book fairs, various other fundraisers and so much more! Fundraising activities are organized to support and enhance the educational and social programs at our school including Class Spirit Shirts, Field Trips, Mini Grants for teachers, Campus Beautification and much much more.

The continued success of our PTA hinges on parent’s involvement. All parents/caregivers are urged to become members of the PTA and encouraged to participate in PTA meetings and PTA sponsored events. Together we can help make this year a winning year for our students!

Public school funds do not cover everything our school has decided is important for our children's education. So like most schools, we look to PTA to close gap to help us. We need  energized, creative and caring parents, like you, eager to  take the helm of PTA executive board positions and sub-committees. You will work directly with the Executive Board, the principal and other parents who want to take our school to the next level of support for our fabulous teachers, programs and community/spirit events. We encourage multiple people running for the same job; the executive board positions are elected positions and we encourage a lot of support from parents for the much needed sub committees.  Your students are so proud when the see what you are doing as their parent to support their education!

Be the change you want to see at La Tercera, your STEM elementary school, and have fun with a great group of parents, teachers, staff and students!

La Tercera PTA meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM via Zoom for now, but eventually back in the Staff Room.

Join the PTA!

PTA News!

We are doing a membership drive again this year.  See flyer below.  We are currently at 138 memberships.  Our 2024/2025 goal is 175 - we are at 78% of our goal.  Help us get there!!!  #sillystringprincipallarkin